The movie which also features Arjun and Sneha in the lead is said to be a hi-fi action thriller. Meanwhile, Mammootty's other movie ‘Pranchiyettan And The Saint’ has made to 65 centres today. A satirical family flick, the movie is intensely promoted by the trade. Mammootty's Thrissur slang featured elaborately in the promos has already become the point of talk in the circuits. A low budgeted movie shot in around 38 days, 'Pranchiyettan' is expected to gather benefits, if its initial hype translates into collections Tags: malayalam movie, mammootty, arjun, mallu movies, wallpapers, photos, actors pictures, vade mathram |
September 15, 2010
‘Vande Matharam’ again Postponed
Mammootty's big budgeted bilingual ‘Vande Matharam’ has shifted its release for yet another week. The movie which was expected to be on theatres today, couldn't deliver the prints to the charted theatres as it is said to be enmeshed with some financial problems.